Puriq 2024-03-01T00:44:48+00:00 Edgar Gutiérrez Gómez Open Journal Systems <p>PURIQ magazine is an academic initiative of the Vice Presidency of Research of the Organized Commission of UNAH that aims to promote research and the publication of multidisciplinary works.</p> Questions on religion, state and public spaces. A brief review of the book Poder, Religión y Secularidad by Polo Santillán & Mora Zavala (2023). 2024-01-29T02:15:04+00:00 Wilmer Edwin Valverde-Rodríguez María Isabel Contreras-Molina Cynthia Melina Campos-Velezmoro <p>The book Power, Religion and Secularity (2023) by Polo Santillán &amp; Mora Zavala (Eds.), is an important effort to update reasoning and knowledge about religion in a global context of hyperconnection, confessional revitalization and masked nihilism. This work is composed of four parts that address burning issues of the moment: secularity, secularity, modernity, nihilism, philosophy, politics and their relationship with religion. Each chapter contains articles that develop these concepts and themes from novel theoretical and philosophical perspectives.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Wilmer Edwin Valverde-Rodríguez, María Isabel Contreras-Molina, Cynthia Melina Campos-Velezmoro Rojas, E., Paraguay, L. & Quispe A. (2023). Testimonies of sterilized women: rights violations and resilience in rural Peruvian communities. Huancayo: Lliu Yawar, 2023, 197 pp. 2024-01-18T15:52:20+00:00 Juan Ramos-López <p>The book of Rojas; Paraguay &amp; Quispe (2023), titled "Testimonies of sterilized women: rights violations and resilience in rural Peruvian communities." The main objective of the authors was to understand the situation of women victims of forced sterilizations, from rural communities in the regions of Huancavelica, Ayacucho and Cusco. The methodology used was qualitative, with a gender, human rights, descriptive and ethnographic approach, which was characterized by its participatory and self-reflective approach. The research instruments, for collecting the memories of the stylized women, were the interview, questionnaires and participant observation. The research was carried out during the years from 2020 to 2022.</p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Juan Ramos-López El epifenomenismo y la filosofía de Schopenhauer 2023-12-17T15:44:03+00:00 Giancarlo Anselmo Rivera <p>This article offers an introductory exposition on the relationship between the philosophical thesis of epiphenomenalism and Schopenhauer's philosophy regarding the problem of the mind-body relationship. The most important notions are presented in a summarized manner, which allows the general reader to have an approach towards understanding this problem. On the one hand, contemporary authors who address epiphenomenalism have been considered; on the other hand, to obtain a general vision of Schopenhauer's philosophy and relate it to the topic, the most important concepts from his works have been selected. The examination of these contents allows us to establish a relationship between both proposals and, in turn, invites us to reflect on the possible preponderance of the biological component over reason.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Giancarlo Anselmo-Rivera Emotional Intelligence in Institutionalized and Non-Institutionalized Children and Adolescents: A Comparative Study. 2024-03-01T00:44:48+00:00 Samantha Condor-Vela Catherine Shuguli-Zambrano <p>The objective of the research was to compare the levels of emotional intelligence in a sample of institutionalized and non-institutionalized children and adolescents in Quito, Ecuador. The research adopts a comparative, cross-sectional quantitative approach using the Emotional Quotient Inventory EQi-YV BarOn. Sixty children and adolescents participated (56% female, 44% male) aged 7 to 17 years (M=11 years; SD= 3.18), where 30 of them belong to a foster home and the rest to a private institution in the city of Quito, Ecuador. Significant differences are found, as institutionalized children and adolescents have lower and average levels of emotional intelligence compared to those not under institutional care, the majority of whom have higher levels of emotional intelligence. In conclusion, the emotional lessons learned during childhood and adolescence become critical windows of opportunity to establish essential emotional habits that will be part of our lives.</p> 2024-05-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Samantha Condor-Vela, Catherine Shuguli-Zambrano Between resolutions and realities: deciphering Palestine in its early days (1948-1973) 2024-01-02T01:41:57+00:00 María José Vilar-García <p>The period between 1948 and 1973, marked by the creation of Israel and the Yom Kippur War, plays a crucial role in the protracted Palestine-Israel conflict, known as the "Question of Palestine". This era laid the foundations for a protracted and destabilising crisis in the 20th century. The conflict, which originated with the formation of Israel, has resulted in repression, exile and occupation, generating alienation for those not integrated into the Hebrew state. Despite this, Israel's survival is considered an unquestionable right backed by the UN, recognising its presence on ancestral lands. Arab-Israeli understanding, crucial for peace and international interest, is affected by factors such as external pressures, especially from the US, internal political dynamics in Israel, and divisions in the Arab world and among Palestinians. This period laid the foundations for persistent tensions in the region.</p> 2024-04-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 María José Vilar-García Coping strategies in children with and without social risk: a comparative study 2023-12-16T03:03:36+00:00 Veronica Carmen Tite-Malusin Víctor Manuel Cuadrado-Ramírez <p>The sociocultural context can impose differences on children in terms of opportunities, and expose them to risk situations that increase their vulnerability. In this situation, it is essential that children have the necessary resources to reduce this impact. The objective of this research was to compare coping strategies in children with and without social risk in the Pisque sector, Izamba parish, Ambato. The sample was made up of 100 boys and girls, aged between 9 and 12 years. A sociodemographic sheet and the Coping Scale for Children (EAN) were used as instruments. Methodologically, it is a quantitative, non-experimental study, with a descriptive, comparative, cross-sectional scope. The results reveal statistically significant differences in coping strategies between children at social risk and those who do not share the same conditions. In conclusion, children at social risk tend to use unproductive coping strategies more frequently.</p> 2024-03-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Veronica Carmen Tite-Malusin, Víctor Manuel Cuadrado-Ramírez Self-esteem and social skills in adolescents from San Miguelito- Píllaro Ecuador 2024-01-05T13:34:52+00:00 Roxana Barreros-Guanin Víctor Manuel Cuadrado-Rodríguez <p>The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between self-esteem and social skills in adolescents from San Miguelito-Píllaro, Ecuador. The research has a non-experimental and quantitative design with a correlational scope and cross-sectional approach. Evaluation instruments included the Rosenberg self-esteem scale and the Goldstein social skills scale. A total of 220 adolescents participated, 55% (121) females and 45% (99) males aged 15 to 18. The findings indicate that levels of self-esteem are generally high, while social skills levels are mainly medium and high. Regarding gender based analysis, no significant differences were found in either variable. Furthermore, a significant positive correlation was observed between self-esteem and social skills levels, as well as between self-esteem and different types of social skills. It has been proven that higher levels of self-esteem are associated with higher levels of social skills, and vice versa.</p> 2024-03-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Roxana Barreros-Guanin, Víctor Manuel Cuadrado-Rodríguez Philosophizing about racial issues, an approach from the Universidad de Oriente 2023-12-02T23:53:27+00:00 Liliana Masó-Hechavarría Alina María Cuadréns-Villalón Eliannys Zamora-Arévalo <p>Introduction, the issue of raciality reflects influences from higher social classes; contexts historically determined by diversity of cultural, economic, religious, political and other practices. The authors of this research assumed it was pertinent to philosophize about the racial issue in order to raise the quality of the pedagogical process. Materials and methods, theoretical and empirical methods and investigative techniques supported by materialist dialectics were used. Results, the need to treat the topic from the curricular at the Universidad de Oriente was determined. Conclusions, a strategy was proposed that contributes to the theoretical-methodological treatment of raciality in programs, study plans, curricula and disciplines, taking into account that government policies require addressing this issue in order to transform the current state of raciality.</p> 2024-02-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Liliana Masó-Hechavarría, Alina María Cuadréns-Villalón, Eliannys Zamora-Arévalo Academic productivity of communication teachers at public universities. Contributions to the field of knowledge 2023-11-30T09:59:19+00:00 Christian Giovanny Miranda-Gaibor Carlos Alberto Larrea-Naranjo José Vinicio Palacios-Carrillo <p>Academic production in public university institutions in Ecuador reflects significant changes in publications at the national and international level. Thus, the research started from the quantitative approach, descriptive level, where the bibliometric indicator of the UNACH repository, publications were reviewed between 2014 to 2022. The main results showed that the teachers of the Communication Career generated a greater number of publications since 2019, especially in 2022. In addition, there is interest in academic production on regional research, magazines with preference in Spanish, without a tendency towards specific topics. It is concluded that, after strengthening public policies in research, anchored to the use of the Internet, they have generated a greater number of academic production, contributions that have given knowledge from a variety of topics of communication interest anchored to the social and cultural, however, still It is a path that requires overcoming challenges such as the non-native language to expand the number of readers in the field.</p> 2024-01-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Christian Giovanny Miranda-Gaibor, Carlos Alberto Larrea-Naranjo, José Vinicio Palacios-Carrillo